
SSCC Youth Ministry exists to lead students to LOVE, FOLLOW, and LIVE for Christ.

[광고] 2021 Youth Summer Retreat

2021 SSCC Youth Summer Retreat Registration

***Shining Star Community Church will keep all CDC Guidelines throughout the retreat***
***수련회 기간동안에 거리두기 및 마스크 착용은 CDC 지침에 따라 진행될 예정입니다.  

When:    7/20 – 7/21 (Tuesday - Wednesday)
                - Drop Off (7/20): 8:30 AM @ Northstar Mission Center 
                  (breakfast not included)
                - Pick Up (7/21): 9 PM  @ Northstar Mission Center

Where:  Northstar Mission Center 
              (8730 Sudley Rd. Manassas, VA 20110, (703) 429-9666)

                                                                                                        Non-overnight    Overnight
Cost:     Early Bird deadline:         June 13th                                      $40.00                $55.00
              Regular deadline:            June 20th                                    $50.00                $65.00
              Late deadline:                  June 27th                                   $75.00                $90.00
                    - Non-SSCC members must pay in full (Non-overnight $90) (Overnight $120) by June 27th.
                    - Each registration will close at 5:00PM of the final date.
                    - All fees are non-refundable.
* Please contact Pastor Joe ( for any questions.


[광고] 2023 유스 제자훈련 신청서

유스 제자훈련 신청은 아래버튼을 통해 신청을 해주시기 바랍니다.신청하…

청소년부 Youth

SSCC Youth Ministry exists to lead students to LOVE, FOLLOW, and LIVE for Christ.
  • 교육대상: 6th~12th
  • 예배시간:
    Sunday Worship Service11:00 AM
    Sunday Bible Study11:00 AM
    Sunday Student Prayer Meeting10:45 AM
    Wednesday DRIVE Discipleship Training7:30 PM
    Friday FNL7:30 PM
  • 문의:

SSCC Youth Ministry exists to lead students to LOVE, FOLLOW, and LIVE for Christ.

LOVE Jesus said to them, "If God were your Father, you would LOVE me (John 8:42).
FOLLOW FOLLOW me, and I will make you fishers of men (Matthew 4:19).
LIVE For to me to LIVE is Christ, and to die is gain (Philippians 1:21).