TJ & Kyong A Hayes
- 작성자 : admin
- 11-09-01 07:29
hey dear friends!
when something amazing happens, you just have got to share it! so thanks for letting me share it with you!
a believing friend visited us here in AZ, with her son, and she had just taken the first steps to leaving her marriage to her believing husband.
for some time now, they've been scraping by because he had ceased working and did not try to pursue providing for them. he had been rebuked by a mutual friend that he was disobeying God by not providing for his family, but still, no movement, no communication on his part, no change.
she was open to hearing my concerns for her. i shared as gently as possible that from what she had shared about their marriage, it appeared to me that her leaving him reflected that her submission was conditional, conditional on his obeying God. i challenged her to think about the high call on her life from God Himself...that of trusting God with their future and their provisions and like Sarah, submitted to her husband, for this HONORS Jesus. I encouraged her to consider that just as she sees that he needs to obey God in providing for them, God commands and desires for her to submit to her husband. no disobedience on his part can keep her from obeying God herself...that she needed to stay the course and submitted herself first to God and then to him. she sensed God calling her to follow Him unconditionally because He is worthy of such obedience...but she was was be willing to submit to him meant that there was a high possibility that she's be returning to the same situation...and to her that equaled harm.
yesterday God really moved us to pray and spend some serious time of intercession for them both....she was distraught, felt so insecure, fearful, and in need of God's help. this morning i took her and her son to the airport and tonight i got a call from her. they arrived safely and God answered all our prayers. AMAZING NEWS: God ministered to their family with a real break through!!!
so they talked on the phone today. God worked last night and God revealed to her husband that he had been living under a sense of powerlessness...God showed him that he no longer needed to live under this! and he recently realized, suddenly, that his wife and son had left him--it had really hit him hard last night! he was sorrowful and weeping on the phone. under God's conviction, he communicated desire and intention to work in order to support and love his family!
in the same conversation, she asked fo
r forgiveness for being conditional in her submission and expressed heartfelt desire to obey God by giving him unconditional submission.
then on top of this, God opened doors and he's been offered a job!
now can you see how amazing this news is....PRAISES TO THE MOST HIGH!!!
with all the bleak news out there in the world, may this bright spot in His world bring rejoicing among His people and bring Him great glory!!!
awed again by Him,
kyong a
PS--in the same day, today, God opened wide a door for our future in The Navs. both of our mouths were wide open...for we had prayed last night for God to really open wide doors and close doors. Bam! A door opened widely today. more on that...i'll let TJ share that one!